Automate FAQ

Published in
3 min readMay 31, 2022


Watch the video below and see how to claim $MAGIC in 1 minute using Automate!

Frequently Asked Questions

Will I be charged for the transactions I scheduled?

When you schedule transactions via Automate, we only charge credits, but as with all crypto transactions — you do have to pay a gas fee to the mining network.

Be sure to keep a balance at your address of enough ETH estimated to cover everything you have scheduled and set up.

Will I be charged gas for the transactions I scheduled?

The transaction fees are only incurred by the Artibtrum network at the time of execution of those transactions you scheduled. You pay for gas only when the transaction is broadcasted to the network. You have a chance to Edit or Cancel your transaction for free before it gets executed.

What are credits for?

Credits are used to schedule transactions. For each transaction, 1 credit is deducted from your account.

How can I get more credits?

You can purchase credits using the DAY token by logging in to Automate and clicking Buy Credits at the top of the page.

Why am I seeing «This Chain ID is currently used» error in MetaMask?

It happens when you try to add another connection with the same Chain ID. For example, if you are trying to add Automate Arbitrum and have already added Arbitrum One, then Metamask highlights the Chain ID in red. You can ignore this error because although we use the same Chain ID, in this case, we establish a new Proxy Automate Connection to interact with Bridgeworld.

Be sure to switch back to a non-Automate network when you’re done using Automate.

Why are there so many transactions to confirm?

Depending on the period of time you are going to claim your rewards and how often you are going to claim them, Automate will generate a number of transactions for you to sign in Metamask. There might be many transactions that come up based on the length and frequency of your claim or strategy.

I see transactions fail in Metamask. What do I do?

Don’t worry if you see transactions fail in Metamask when you not only claim the reward but also want to send it to another address using the Claim & Send Rewards strategy. The way Automate works is it signs a number of «fallback» Claim transactions which all have the same nonce as the main Send transaction. The system intentionally fails all the «fallback claims» up until the last Claim transaction in nonce.

This way Automate can tell Metamask when it should increase the nonce.
The fallback transactions will be used if the main transaction for a given nonce cannot be executed due to insufficient balance.

Why do I need to switch networks in Metamask?

When you’re done using Automate, remember to switch back to a non-Automate Network in MetaMask. Changing the network back to Arbitrum One is important if you’re going to interact with Bridgeworld (and the rest of the Treasure-verse ecosystem) as usual, without involving Automate and holding up your transactions for execution at a later time.

How do nonces work?

The nonce is an important component of a transaction, it is an attribute of an address that represents the number of transactions sent by that address. Nonces act as counters that keep track of the number of transactions sent by an account. A nonce is a number that can be used only once.

In this article, you can learn more about what the nonce is and what transactions are considered to be valid.

Why do I need to reset Metamask?

Please remember that if you want the nonces you just signed to be used for other transactions, you will have to reset your Metamask account. If you re-use the signed nonces outside Automate, then these transactions will be marked as Stale Nonce in Automate and will never get executed.

How do I reset MetaMask?

Resetting your Metamask account is completely safe and does NOT require you to re-enter your seed phrase. It will NOT cause you to lose any assets currently in your wallet.

Here is the official Metamask article on how to do that.

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