ChronoLogic to Launch Scheduling Technology on RSK Network

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3 min readJan 11, 2019


ChronoLogic, a company focused on automation on the blockchain, has partnered with RSK Labs to provide its payment and token scheduling technology into the native RSK network.

Currently, with ChronoLogic’s Ethereum Alarm Clock technology, payments and tokens can be pre-scheduled in a decentralized and trustless manner, a feature not available natively on the Ethereum Network.

With the RSK Network bringing smart contracts to Bitcoin, it seemed natural to extend this technology to give the users of RSK the same capabilities.

ChronoLogic and RSK — Bringing Scheduling to Bitcoin

RSK enables the use of an open source technology that allows smart-contracts to exist on top of the Bitcoin own network.

RSK will also allow for the existence of near instant payments on their chain, and all of that without sacrificing any byte of security and scalability.

To further this innovation, it seemed only logical that a number of Ethereum based solutions — which is the chain where the term “smart-contract” came to life — would join the RSK revolution.

Technical Progress So Far

As of now, after enabling more than 1000 ETH to be transacted on the Ethereum Blockchain, ChronoLogic has already been able to take the first steps towards integration with RSK’s chain.

Using RootStock’s TestNet, the ChronoLogic’s team was able to schedule the first transaction on December 20th:

This was preceded by many hours of coding and hard work, with both teams collaborating towards the goal of making the current Ethereum tech compatible with RSK.

According to Henry Sraigman, RSK/RIF Head of Business Development:

We are very excited about the partnership with Chronologic that brings payments and scheduling features to the native RSK network. This is a great step to the whole Bitcoin & RSK ecosystem and we are looking forward for future developments amongst our companies

The whole endeavor shows once more that not only RSK’s smart-contracts capabilities are primed and working, but they also allow for further integration with current Ethereum Network working solutions.

What’s In The Future

Both companies wish this to be only the beginning of a long-term collaboration, with more development and integration currently being discussed.

The main vision is to also make ChronoLogic’s new conditional scheduling automation tools available on RSK’s chain, creating the possibility of transacting crypto assets on the blockchain whenever certain conditions are met, e.g. when an amount is received by a certain address, or a said market condition happens.

As commented by Piotr from ChronoLogic:

We are excited to bring Alarm Clock scheduling to Rootstock and thus make it available to Bitcoin users as well.

To talk directly with both communities regarding the technical challenges, accomplishments in place so far, and present concerns of adapting an ETH based tech into a new chain, the RSK team will be joining ChronoLogic for a YouTube Livestream on January 15th at 1 P.M. ET. Subscribe, turn on notifications and reminders below so you don’t miss it!

As always, we invite you to make part of our active community via Telegram, Twitter or Github! Learn more about ChronoLogic’s latest achievement — Automate!



Father, Husband, Cryptoenthusiast, Writer, Co-founder of, and Lead Communications at ChronoLogic.