ChronoLogic’s Presence at Cyberc0n

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3 min readDec 26, 2018


The last portion of this year was filled with new conferences and livestreams in the whole development ecosystem. We are glad to see that when compared to last year’s achievements, there was so much more action at this time.

And, ChronoLogic also attempted to ramp up presentations and spreading the word on Automated and Conditional Scheduling wherever we could. Although we have received more invites from around the world, there were some that we couldn’t attend, and we are sorry for that!

But one of the presentations we were able to go was held in Minsk — Belarus. The get together was called Cyberc0n and we were represented by our developer Daniel Kmak.

What’s Cyberc0n was All About

Cyberc0n was a meet-up held by Cyber Academy, an initiative focused on promoting educational content towards blockchain developers. Their method to expose technical personnel to this matter is through offline meet-ups, such as Hackathons, Conferences and assorted events, and also by online streaming and workshops.

But, Cyberc0n was somehow unique due to the uniqueness of its idea: kickstart meetings and interest of developers to pool efforts in order to discuss the possible creation of a decentralized search for the web3 protocol.

As many of you might know, the web3 protocol is currently the “go-to” bridge for every dApp that attempts to use the current internet resources to tap into the blockchain, especially Ethereum’s.

The idea of utilizing this protocol to perform decentralized searches can be something quite valuable, enhancing security and also freedom, but it also as challengeable as it seems a breakthrough.

Daniel’s Presentation in Minsk

Prior to the presentation, we advertised his participation via our twitter and telegram channel as you can see below.

In part, his presentation was aligned to the meet-up’s view, since he dealt on how Conditional Scheduling (something being currently developed by ChronoLogic) can be a valuable asset into a decentralized environment, whether a large or small one.

As of now, our lead tech Piotr Kosiński, has released a beta use case of Conditional Scheduling, Automate, and you can read all about it in this article.

Other than that, returning to Daniel’s presence in Minsk, we would like to thank the organizers of Cyberc0n for having us and also for the marvelous initiative, this is indeed how things get #buidl! If you want, you can watch Daniel’s presentation in full right next:

We always welcome collaborations on Github. And don’t forget you can easily stay in touch with us via Telegram and Twitter.

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Father, Husband, Cryptoenthusiast, Writer, Co-founder of, and Lead Communications at ChronoLogic.