Schedule Your Token Transfers Via MyCrypto

Published in
2 min readDec 11, 2018


After hitting the impressive mark of facilitating more than 1000 ETH in transfers with the Ethereum Alarm Clock, today, December 11, ChronoLogic is proud to announce that MyCrypto has released a much-expected update to the EAC technology— The Token Scheduling.

As you might know, after months of work, our dev team was able to get the TimeNode and EAC protocol up and running, which was deployed at the Ethereum MainNet and MyCrypto. But, now, the whole concept has been taken to the next level.

So far, in order to schedule a token transaction, you would need to navigate to ChronoLogic’s DApp page and the system would only allow the scheduling of two tokens: DAY and DAI.

With this new update, all MyCrypto users will be able to send any token transaction in a future point in time easily, with just few clicks directly on their platform.

For this new update the same rules apply, meaning an ETH bounty will need to be offered so the TimeNodes can send out the transaction within the selected time window.

During this announcement, we would also like to thank MyCrypto for being such an outstanding partner, making it possible so our tech is out there helping as many people as it can, scheduling countless transactions into the future.

Stick with us for more news on everything ChronoLogic, including Conditional Scheduling, which something that will definitely shake things around!

We always welcome collaborations on Github. And don’t forget you can easily stay in touch with our team via Telegram and Twitter.

Have you already scheduled your transaction today? If not, what are you waiting for? Schedule your transaction today via MyCrypto!

